Will the Lakers take it again next year?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What in the world IS YOUR PROBLEM WOMAN?!

YOU STILL DONT TRUST ME?..and truth is the basis of any relationship! Why doesn't she believe me? She makes it that much harder for us to progress!

Its so frustrating sometimes, I feel like boy I oughta....!!
Wait lemme calm down, maybe Im too insensitive. I need to be more of a GENTLEman
One out of three women are involved in a abusive relationship.

I wrote an article about it here

For Now...OOOOOOOOOO-Saaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

Is your relationship on the brink of disaster? Do you wish to

save your marriage today?

Amy Waterman is relationship expert that has helped thousands save their marriage and relationships. She explains a few mistakes you might be making without even knowing it.

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